Wreath Across America
Location: Arlington Cemetery and US Soldiers' Home
Date: December 17, 2022
Our adopted locations this year are Arlington National Cemetery and the US Soldiers' Home. There are three entry points for Arlington Cemetery but the best entry point is at Memorial Gate because it is a 5-minute walk from Metro.
If you wish to volunteer at Arlington Cemetery, use the link below, click Memorial Gater to register, and sign up to lay wreaths at 9 am (you may not be able to see the 9 am time slot until all the 8am time slots are filled).
Link to Volunteer at Arlington Cemetery
If you wish to volunteer at the US Soldiers' Home, use the link below, click on volunteer, and sign up.
Link to Volunteer at US Soldiers' Home
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Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.
Beta Zeta Chapter
PO Box 91495
Washington, DC 20090
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