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  • Beta Zeta Chapter - 2022 Founders' Day Celebration Virtual Brunch

Beta Zeta Chapter - 2022 Founders' Day Celebration Virtual Brunch

  • 01/16/2022
  • 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
  • Virtual

Registration is closed

Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Beta Zeta Chapter will host a virtual Founders' Day Celebration on Sunday, January 16, 2022 at 2:00pm.  This year's theme is "Rooted in Sisterhood: Continuing the Legacy" as we celebrate 102 years as a sisterhood.

We will honor our Founders, our Sisterhood and showcase the love we have for the Sorority throughout the program.  We will once again have our "Best Brunch Spread" competition, so please prepare to display your finer brunch and take photos (see highlighted section below for instructions).  We will have other interactive fun and will be awarding prizes throughout the event.

While we have planned to have an in-person event this year, we had to pivot due to the increased rate of infections due to COVID-19.  We know that we will still have a wonderful celebration, and hope to see you there.  Zoom information provided upon RSVP.

For more information, please contact Wadriann Horne at wadriannh@gmail.com or SunSurraye Westbrook at sunsurraye.westbrook2@gmail.com.

It's not too late to enter the Best Brunch Spread Contest!

Best Brunch Spread Contest Instructions

  • Set up table in your finer dishware set
  • Prepare food and beverage layout
  • Take a picture and email to BZFoundersDay@gmail.com
  • There will be a last call announcement during the program for day of submissions
  • Contestants will have one minute to describe their table spread during the live Zoom event

NOTE: The Virtual Background for this event is below.

  BZ founders day.png

Additional Zeta Links

Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.

Beta Zeta Chapter

PO Box 91495

Washington, DC 20090

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